Posts in Interviews News & Craft
An Interview With Marjorie Lewis

When The Men Were Gone is based on a true story of Tylene Wilson who coached football in Texas during World War II. The focus, however, is on her journey and about why she sought to become the coach. It’s also a father-daughter story, which I love because it reminds me of my relationship with my own father, and it’s a love story, which reminds me of my relationship with my husband.

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An Interview With C.P. Morgan

Dorothy Claes and the Prison of Thenemi is a Paranormal Cozy Mystery. I like to think of it as “Sherlock Holmes meets Warehouse 13 – with cats!” It is a mystery series where each book explores a different country and the unique cat lore of that country. Since Prison of Thenemi is the first in the series, the book takes place in Paris, but the mystery is… much older.

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An Interview With LeAnn Mason

The gene pool has diverted to include humans with special abilities but those without were so fearful of the possibilities, enclosed all known “enhanced” into exiled communities. Nathalee is an 18 year Sage, or mentally enhanced human, whose gift of telepathy keeps her on the outskirts of their society. That is, until she’s approached to become part of an experimental enforcement team. She learns the hard way that not everyone wants to work together and that some seemingly random events may just have a more sinister cause.

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An Interview With S. McPherson

At Waters Edge is the tale of a seventeen-year old girl named Dezaray, who accidentally trades places with a magical version of herself and ends up in another world where she is forced to impersonate her magical counterpart. This world is on the brink of a monstrous war with a villain who wants to kill her. And if that isn’t enough, Dezaray also starts to fall for the boy with blue eyes, but they both know that she cannot remain in his world.

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An Interview With Jamie Blake

Christian Orland is dead, and everyone in his life is doing their best to understand what happened. Especially Woe, the sixteenth Fatality, who knows that she was assigned the wrong case when she stopped his heart, but also knew she had to do it, or risk being destroyed herself. Woe only handles expected death, and not many people expect to die in an accident.

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An Interview With Michael Beaulieu

Book of Shadows is centered around our sarcastic narrator, Emma McGlinchey, who finds her late great grandmother's book of shadows – a witch's spellbook and journal – while cleaning out her house.  That night, Emma tries a simple candle-lighting spell and, much to her amazement, it actually works.  Soon, she recruits her best friends Lia and Shar – an out lesbian couple – into forming a coven.  Together, the 16-year-olds begin to dabble in magick, but they learn the hard way that spells can have unintended if not entirely disastrous side-effects.  Side-effects they attempt to deal with by casting other spells, but it quickly spirals out of control.

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An Interview With Jeffrey L. Kohanek

A Warden’s Purpose is a coming of age / epic fantasy novel that revolves around a teen named Quinn and her adopted brother, Everson. Everson is a brilliant inventor, but struggles with a disability that requires canes and leg braces in order to walk. With a brash and defiant nature, Quinn is fiercely protective of her brother and any others who are victims to the bullies of the world.

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An Interview With Megan O'Russel

The human race has been divided. The chosen few live in the safety of the domes, watching through their glass walls as those left on the outside suffer and die. But desperation has brought invention, and new drugs have given the outsiders the strength to roam the poisoned night unafraid – but it comes at a price.

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An Interview with Robin Kirk - COVER REVEAL!!!

See the new cover for The Bond, first reveal here on!

The Bond sets us in an alt-world, the Weave, a matriarchal society where new generations are developed in labs. That’s a pretty familiar set-up, so I wanted to slowly start complicating it. Dinitra, my heroine, is like all the others, designed to serve the society. But she’s also an artist and sees things differently. Like so many of us, she feels she doesn’t belong. Instead of getting assigned to a top-level job, she’s sent to the military, where she’s expected to defend the Weave from what she thinks are a ragtag group of malcontents. As it turns out, there’s much more to the story! Oh, and I give her 12, a battle dog mixed with tiger and lynx and howler monkey (among other things). Dinitra has to learn to love 12, think differently, and trust her artist instincts to survive.

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How to Transform Your Attic into a Chic Home Library

All bookworms dream about having their own private libraries with all those life-changing and inspiring masterpieces. As an avid reader, you probably know the importance of having your own quiet corner where you can immerse yourself in that fictional world or discover the messages hidden between the lines. So, why not design your own home library? And there’s no better place for this purpose than your unused attic.

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How Necessary Is Social Media For Writers?

If you haven't heard it yet, you're going to hear it a lot: "Having followers on social media is essential for you to sell your book." But Facebook, Twitter and Instagram are also huge time sucks that can take valuable time away from your actual writing. So how important is it really to have thousands of followers on Twitter? Well, it really depends on what your goals are. 

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5 Signs You NEED A Writing Coach

A Writing Coach is great resource available for new and experienced authors that helps you enhance your writing and grow your career for a reasonable amount of money per month. If you don't know what a writing coach is or if you're ever considered if a writing coach is right for you, here are some signs that a writing coach might be right for you!

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An Interview With Zarina Macha

Every Last Psych is a collection of two novellas. The first one is about a girl with schizophrenia that falls in love with her best friend who doesn’t feel the same and has a girlfriend. The second is about a seemingly-perfect girl – beautiful, popular and intelligent – applying to Cambridge University to read Law, but inside she is a misanthropic psychopath.

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An Interview With Jessica Blank

Legacy is set in the 1990s in the Pacific Northwest against the backdrop of the punk and environmental movements. Ever since Alison’s golden-boy older brother Andy was killed in a drunk driving accident, her life’s been pretty rough. Her mom is in perpetual mourning, her dad left, and thanks to Andy’s hard-partying friends at school, her reputation is trashed. She’d been hoping to spend he senior year taking the path of least resistance, hanging out with her punk-rocker boyfriend Jeff and biding her time, but a massive fight with her mom pushes her over the edge, and she runs away with Jeff and his friend Dirtrat to join a Free State—an encampment of young people in the forest, protecting old-growth trees from being cut down by loggers.

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