Sarah Foil

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Why I'm Not Writing This Week 7/12

Welcome to "Why I'm Not Writing." We all know that the only thing writers like doing more than writing is avoiding writing. So every Friday I list five things that have distracted me from my writing that week. 

I also encourage you to share with me what made you procrastinate this week by posting with #whyimnotwriting on Twitter, Facebook & Instagram, or share in the comments below. I'll feature my favorites with everyone here. 

Causebox Summer Box

A couple weeks ago, I received my second ever Causebox. These come in once a season and show off sustainable products that benefit charities world wide. This Summer box featured sun screen, aloe vera, tote bag, poncho and more. I’m always blown away by the beautiful items in my box and the amazing customer service. Click here to order your own Causebox!

Rewatch: The Office

This week, I’ve been rewatching the classic TV show, The Office. Since this show will be taken off of Netflix in the next year, I wanted to do a good rewatch before its gone. It’s been a couple of years since I watched this show, so it’s been a lot of fun getting to know the characters and story all over again.

Wizards Unite!

This game, similar to Pokemon Go, but based on the Harry Potter universe, has been a lot of fun recently. I’ve loved the references to the books and movies, as well as the amazing graphics. If you are already playing, or decide to sign up and start playing, please add me as a friend via friend code “8909 3389 5085”.

Support The Plague and Doctor Caim

Consider pledging money towards the production and publication of The Plague and Doctor Caim. One day, Doctor Caim is hired by a village to treat both the rich and the poor. The doctor readily accepts this position, but goes about the work with much trial and error. Doctor Caim encounters patients from all walks of life, experimenting with treatments while monitoring his own health and watching the stars for omens.

Upcoming Conferences

I’m really excited to be attending a couple of upcoming conferences in North Carolina. I’ll be at the SCBWI Carolina’s conference in September and at the North Carolina Writers Network annual conference in November. If you’re planning to be at either of these conferences, let me know and we can meet up for a glass of wine or coffee!

Why Aren't You Writing This Week? Share With Me Using #Whyimnotwriting To Be Featured In Next Week's Post