Sarah Foil

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Why I'm Not Writing This Week 5/24

Welcome to "Why I'm Not Writing." We all know that the only thing writers like doing more than writing is avoiding writing. So every Friday I list five things that have distracted me from my writing that week. 

I also encourage you to share with me what made you procrastinate this week by posting with #whyimnotwriting on Twitter, Facebook & Instagram, or share in the comments below. I'll feature my favorites with everyone here. 

Getting Excited For Memorial Day Weekend

With the holiday weekend coming up, I’m really excited for the activities I have planned. There’s going to be a lot going on for me in the next few days (and next few weeks), though, so I’m also looking forward to maybe having a day or two to do absolutely nothing.

Critical Role

Lately I’ve been doing my best to catch up on this podcast about DnD. I love the actors and characters on the show so much and it’s really getting me excited to give DnD another try sometime soon. With each episode being 3-4.5 hours though, this is taking up a lot of my time. Oops!

Car Trouble

There’s nothing quite like going in for an oil change and having to stay three hours to replace a ton of parts that have fallen apart since your last inspection. Sigh… While I lost an entire morning, my car is on the road and healthy again, so that’s worth it.

Eating Right

While I’m trying not to put myself on a formal diet, I have been working hard to think about what I’m eating lately. I’ve been enjoying a lot of my Daily Harvest smoothies, and then limiting the junk food I eat at home too. Some days are better than others, but I feel like I’m making some progress still.

Revision Time!

I’ve taken off a reasonable amount of time from my Camp NaNoWriMo work to feel comfortable going back in for some revisions. I’m nervous about some of the big issues I need to fix, like really nailing down the time and place for the book, but I love the characters and can’t wait to dig in again.

Why Aren't You Writing This Week? Share With Me Using #Whyimnotwriting To Be Featured In Next Week's Post