A Review of Cursed Beauty

The day has come for sixteen-year-old Aurora to receive her witch mark. She should be thrilled. But unlike the rest of her coven, a centuries-old family curse has already decided her fate; the cost of her new power is her life. After the ceremony, her grandmother offers her hope: Aurora can save herself and prevent her coven from dying by awakening a sleeping prince with the power to break her curse. Unfortunately, she must travel through the forbidden Shadowlands to reach him.


This book has such an interesting plot. The reader immediately dives into the thick of the plot and the main character is off on her quest quickly after. It makes for a quick, exciting read with some surprising twists. I enjoyed the twists on the Sleeping Beauty story to make this book unique while keeping it in line with the original fairy tale.


Since the plot does get started so quickly, there is very little time for the author to introduce the main character before she has a major life-changing event. As such, I didn’t feel like I really understood Aurora or felt connected to her throughout the story. I did enjoy her best friend, Hazel, and the other side characters. I wasn’t convinced by the chemistry between Aurora and her love interests, however.


The world of this book was so engaging. I enjoyed learning about the magic system, the different kinds of witches in this world, and the rules. The reader has the ability to discover the world alongside the characters, who are adventuring out of their home for the first time. It made for appealing world-building.

My Recommendation

Cursed Beauty is a standalone gender-swapped retelling of Sleeping Beauty, with an enjoyable magic system. The story is fun and engaging, making for a quick read. However, the fast-paced plot makes it harder to connect with the main character, Aurora, or her relationships with her love interests.

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