A Review of Destiny

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Sierra’s world is turned upside down on her 18th birthday when a man who calls himself a dreamwalker visits her in her dreams and starts unraveling her past. Can she believe him that her parents are withholding her true identity from her? Or should she trust that her parents are not hiding a dark secret? A plane crash caused by a vendetta towards her family starts to reveal the depth of what has been hidden from her, and what she must do to get her family back. But should she choose the dangerous life that could help get her family back, she would not only risk her life going through the transition but would also have to say goodbye to the life she knows and her best friends forever. Forced to live a life that humans cannot know exist.


This book has a great premise, a teenage girl with a secret heritage whose life is uprooted once she learns the truth. It’s also a fairly quick read and could easily be finished over a long weekend or family vacation. However, the plot moves slower than I would have expected for a book of its length and genre. In the first few chapters, there is a lot of exposition, where I could have preferred to see more strides made in the plot.


Sierra is an enjoyable protagonist and easy to follow along with through the events of the novel. She’s honest, hardworking, and generally wholesome. However, I struggled to connect to the other characters in the novel, even though there are portions of the book told from their points of view. Specifically, Sierra’s love interest Dante was problematic for me. His following Sierra since she was born and knowing intimate details about her life, didn’t sit well with me from the beginning and I found it difficult to root for their relationship because of this.


The world the author has created in this book is so much fun. I loved the concept of immortal beings guarding humans, as well as the elements from other paranormal novels that the author incorporated into her world. The immortal’s powers were interesting and I enjoyed that we got to discover them along with Sierra.

My Recommendation

Destiny is the first book in the Immortal Guardians Series and Katie Richard’s debut novel. While I love the world this book creates, as it draws on numerous exciting elements from other paranormal novels, the plot moves slower than I would have expected for a book this length. Additionally, I found the relationship between the protagonist and her love interest problematic and struggled to feel invested in their relationship.

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