A Review of Lakesedge

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When Violeta Graceling arrives at haunted Lakesedge estate, she expects to find a monster. She knows the terrifying rumors about Rowan Sylvanan, who drowned his entire family when he was a boy. But neither the estate nor the monster are what they seem. As Leta falls for Rowan, she discovers he is bound to the Lord Under, the sinister death god lurking in the black waters of the lake. A creature to whom Leta is inexplicably drawn…


We’re getting into spooky season so I was so excited to dive into a spooky, gothic fantasy novel. This book did not disappoint. The plot is dense with creepy scenes, surprising twists, and heart-pounding tension. I was disappointed by some slower moments where the narrator explains too much about her and her borther’s past early on, but these sections were fewer and far between the longer the story went on.


The main character Leta is a relatable protagonist, through her skepticism and cautiousness throughout the story. Although, this same aspect also makes her frustrating at times because she refuses to see the obvious. She has a sweet relationship with her brother and intriguing chemistry with her love interest.


I love gothic settings because I’ve always had a fondness for gloomy days and dark castles. So this setting was so satisfying, especially as the weather around me starts to drift into fall. Moreover, the magic system of this world was a delight to discover. The rules are slowly revealed to the reader at the same time as Leta learns of them, which is something I love to see in a fantasy novel.

My Recommendation

Lakesedge is the first book in the World of Lakesedge series by debut author Lyndall Clipstone. This book is a great read for fans of gothic fantasy and romance. It does have moments of gore and explicit descriptions of wounds. Additionally, the book ends with an intense cliffhanger and the next book will not be out until October 2022. I’ll definitely be keeping an eye out for it.

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