An Interview With Romina Garber

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Thank you so much for sharing your book with me and agreeing to do a Q&A for my readers.

What was the biggest hurdle you had to overcome in completing your book?

The most magical part of writing is the vanishing act where reality disappears. Yet in the case of this book, the horrors on the page felt too similar to the horrors on the news. It forced me to remain unflinchingly present. For a while, I struggled with the heaviness of it all, but sharing these feelings with my friends helped me manage them.

What is your writing Kryptonite?

Reality! Whether it’s current events or my personal life, real world distractions are my greatest source of writers block. Sometimes I use an app on my laptop that blocks all my social media so I’m forced to just focus on writing! 

What advice do you have for aspiring writers looking to publish their first novel? 

Two pieces of advice based on my own experiences:

#1. The best thing I did for my writing—and myself—was form a critique group. We were a handful of unpublished writers who met up every other weekend to workshop our chapters and offer feedback. Even now, we continue to be sources of support for each other.

#2. Don’t get discouraged if it doesn’t happen for you right away. Remember that your path is as unique as your story. It took me almost a decade to get published. In that time, I wrote five completed novels, and every single one of them was rejected. If you’re an aspiring author who feels broken by too many NO’s, don’t give up—hold on for your YES.