Sarah Foil

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Why I'm Not Writing This Week 8/9

Welcome to "Why I'm Not Writing." We all know that the only thing writers like doing more than writing is avoiding writing. So every Friday I list five things that have distracted me from my writing that week. 

I also encourage you to share with me what made you procrastinate this week by posting with #whyimnotwriting on Twitter, Facebook & Instagram, or share in the comments below. I'll feature my favorites with everyone here. 

The Plot $300 Giftcard Giveaway

The Plot podcast is giving away a $300 Barnes and Noble gift card (plus $50 for two runners-up) . Click here to sign up: The Plot is a podcast about writing and writers presented by Sean Douglass.

Cleaning & Reorganizing

After realizing I was completely out of space in my dresser, I bought some organization items off Amazon and have been sorting through and cleaning out my clothes. It’s a big painful letting go of clothes that are run down or too small for me now, but it’s nice having so much more space available to buy something new.


As a new way to help me wind down after work or around the house, I’m trying out a new form of aromatherapy, called Monq. The diffusers are individual, personal styled, rather than big, room-filling diffusers that my husband hates. I haven’t noticed a huge different yet, but I’m going to keep at it and see what I think about a few weeks.


Lately I’ve been really into listening to Audiobooks from Google Play. Since I have a google-enabled smartphone and smartspeakers at my house, it’s easy for me to listen to my books in the bathtub, in the kitchen, in the car, at the gym, really wherever I want! Unfortunately, that means I’m writing as much as I could be…oops.


With CampNaNoWriMo over for the year, I’ve decided to jump into Novelrama with some friends from my MFA program. Novelrama is basically NaNoWriMo on crack. The idea is to write 25,000 words (half a novel) in only 4 days, starting today, with some intensive write-ins hosted by the Rocky Mountain Fiction Writers. I’m not sure if I’ll be able to complete the challenge, but I’m definitely going to try and see what happens.

Why Aren't You Writing This Week? Share With Me Using #Whyimnotwriting To Be Featured In Next Week's Post