3 Ways To Stay Connected With Other Writers Online

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Normally, if you’re looking to network with other writers, I’d recommend your local writing group or community critique groups. However, right now you may be wanting to keep your networking online. Here are three websites you can find online communities to connect you with other writers.

Inked Voices

I’ve talked about Inkedvoices.com many times before but I can not recommend this website enough. It’s the perfect place to find a critique partner or workshop group. You can even join active groups focused on your genre or audience to chat about tips for writing. The best part of this site is the very active admins who will help you connect with new partners and groups.


NaNoWriMo.org is the headquarters for the annual Novel Writing Month challenge that happens every year in November. But they also have an active blog and forums throughout the year so you can easily meet other writers. It’s a great place to ask for help, find critique partners, or just commiserate with people who understand what you’re going through.


You may be most familiar with Facebook as a social media platform and it is great for connecting with friends and family. But you can also join Facebook groups to connect with people you may not know. Through these groups, you can ask questions, help out other writers, and more. There are thousands to choose from, so just do a Facebook search for your preferred genre and find an active group to join.

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