Changes Coming In 2020

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It’s a new year and a new blog. As you can see, I have a beautiful new design and if you’re subscribed to my newsletter, you got a sneak peak into some other changes. But I wanted to go into more detail to share with you some of the behind the scenes things going on and how it may affect you, my readers.


Over my break in December, the biggest thing I worked on was redesigning the blog here. I hope the update gives everything a cleaner look and makes navigating my blog posts a breeze. I’ve also added graphics at the beginning and end of each blog post that I’ve been working very hard on. If you have any feedback on the new design, feel free to reach out via my contact page!


I’ve recently moved my email marketing to a new host, so subscribers will see a change in the formatting. Additionally, I’ll now only be sending out one email per week to subscribers, rather than the previous twice a week updates. You’ll get a summary of the posts from the week previous and a sneak peak of what’s to come in the next week. If you’re not already, make sure you subscribe to stay the most up to date!


In case you missed my Why I’m Not Writing post from last week, the big reason for a lot of my changes this year is that I’m expecting a baby boy to be joining our family in July. With this change, I’m going to be limiting my time spent freelancing so I can focus on my family, so I’m not adding any new clients for editing, coaching or designing this year. However, I’m more than happy to recommend some other great professionals in the industry if you’re in need, just reach out.

That’s about the gist of it! I’ll still be posting book reviews, interviews and news on Tuesdays and a new edition of my Why I’m Not Writing Series every Friday. And I’m still happy to hear from you via email or social media, so don’t be afraid to reach out.

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