Maternity Leave Starts Next Week

If you’ve been following my blog this year, you may know that I’m expecting a baby. Little Boy is due July 5th. I’ve arranged to go on a bit of a “Maternity Leave” so I can focus on my growing family over the next few weeks.

But don’t worry! In an effort to keep your email and social media full of great writing content, I’ve arranged for my friends and fellow writers from around the web to write a series of guest posts for you. There are some fascinating topics being covered over the next few weeks, so I definitely encourage you to tune in. You’ll see their blog post on Tuesday of each week, and then Friday, instead of Why I’m Not Writing, you’ll get a chance to learn more about the author and their work.

I do have a few reviews and interviews mixed in there too, though, if you’re more interested in that sort of content. In late July, early August, expect to see a review for the sequel to one of my favorite books, The Bond, and a brand new and exciting book called Lobinzona. Mark your calendars!

My maternity will start next week, so you’ll see me one more time this Friday for Why I’m Not Writing, and then I’ll be back in early October with you full time. You may see me on social media during this time, so feel free to reach out. I will still have access to my email, but may be slower to respond than usual. As a reminder, I am no longer offering editing or coaching service starting this year.

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